About Us

Project Description

Client: Bicknell Racing
Location: Niagara Region

Bicknell Racing has been a big client of Rival Powder Coatings for many years. We restore, repair, and get their cars race ready under tight schedules and always on time.

Why Powder Coating?

Powder coating is a high-quality finish found on thousands of products you come in contact with each day. Powder coating protects the roughest, toughest machinery as well as the household items you depend on daily. It provides a more durable finish than liquid paints can offer, while still providing an attractive finish. Powder coated products are more resistant to diminished coating quality as a result of impact, moisture, chemicals, utraviolet light, and other extreme weather conditions. In turn, this reduces the risk of scratches, chipping, abrasions, corrosion, fading, and other wear issues.

It’s tough. It looks great. And it lasts a long, long time. In addition to being durable, powder coating is an attractive choice due to environmental advantages.

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